
Dads In the Wood

Funding required£2,052
Delivery timeframe3 months

The Pitch

Problem statement

Many Dads feel isolated and unsupported as many services are aimed at Mum only. Dads in the Wood gives them an opportunity to have lots of fun with their children and learn how to play with each other. Dads form stronger attachment with their children and their relationships become more positive and rewarding. They also meet other Dads to learn from and support each other, and feel more a part of a community. We talk to Dads about their mental health opening up opportunities to support them.


Dads in the Wood is for Dads and their children to come together for FREE play in the outdoors. We deliver a selection of activities using the environment to explore foliage, look for bugs, craft using sticks and leaves, make paint out of mud and leaves and build dens. It's all about getting Dads and their children outside to explore nature, get dirty and experience risk. We push boundaries by climbing trees and using real tools to make things like swings, allowing the children to learn about risks and how to keep safe. Using local woodland areas such Craigmillar Castle we will spend every Saturday facilitating an outdoor playgroup for Dads and their children.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

Dads Rock has been working with Dads and families for nearly 10 years. Our project workers and service manager will be involved in the delivery of the sessions. Greg Borthwick will lead as he has 5 years experience in running forest activities for 0-5 year olds and has undertaken training in forest activities. He has been working at Dads Rock for 2 years supporting Young Dads, delivering playgroups and Dads in the wood. Amy Craig-Carmichael has been working for Dads Rock for 2 year working with Young Dads and delivering playgroups with a background in youth work. Thomas Lynch is our founder and service manager who will support them.

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Volunteer Expenses£50


75 people

Expected impact

Funding provides outdoor play opportunities for Dads and their children giving them access to nature and helping them to feel less isolated Many Dads feel isolated and unsupported as many services are aimed at Mum only. Dads in the Wood gives them an opportunity to have lots of fun with their children and learn how to play with each other. Dads form stronger attachment with their children and their relationships become more positive and rewarding. They also meet other Dads to learn from and support each other, and feel more a part of a community. We talk to Dads about their mental health opening up opportunities to support them.

Track record

Our Dads say: "Dads Rock allowed me to build a stronger relationship with my son. It has given us the opportunity to meet other families, building connections and a sense of community." “Being around other children has really helped my sons walking and motor skills, particularly after a year in lockdown. The environment isn’t something that’s normally available at that age in the city, and he’s had so much fun getting to explore the woods. It’s great to exchange tips with other dads as well.”

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Published by

Dads Rock

Registered charity