
Aspire Oxford Weekly Women's Hub

Funding required£2,845
Delivery timeframe6 months

The Pitch

Problem statement

Aspire seek to launch and sustain a weekly Women's Hub for ex-offenders and other women in Oxford in need of support. The need for this hub has arisen as services tend to be commissioned around the needs of the ‘typical service user’ (male ex-offenders), whose support needs differ greatly to those of women e.g. women may be more likely to flourish in trusting support groups. The weekly Women's Hub will offer 'tea and chat' sessions, opportunities to access 1:1 support with visiting services, and workshops on mental, physical and sexual health, budgeting, housing support and cookery. The initial launch day will offer ‘goodie bags’ containing personal essentials and high street shop vouchers.


The weekly Women’s Hub will serve as a safe and welcoming space for women to meet new people, find common ground with others who may have similar lived experience with the criminal justice system, and access the tailored support they need. Women outside of this sphere who may also be experiencing issues relating to employment, housing or homelessness will be able to drop-in for Aspire's other support services around employment, housing or homelessness prevention, support from visiting services, and workshops. The initial support services and activities introduced in these sessions will also be informed by the needs and preferences of those who attend the launch and subsequent early sessions.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

Aspire’s employment, housing and homelessness prevention support programmes include 'Through The Prison Gate', which provides specialist employment and community reintegration support for ex-offenders across Oxfordshire and the wider Thames Valley. Our team have the expertise and experience to successfully support and signpost women in Oxford with direct or indirect experience of the criminal justice system, and, with a diverse range of accompanying programmes, projects and connections through Aspire, the resources and contacts to accommodate women attending our hub who may be presenting with other issues.

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Renting a space for 6 hours on the hub launch day£90
"Goodie bags" for the launch, purchased at £15 for 50 bags, with contents at approx. £6 per person£315
6 months of hub space rent for 3 hours/week, at £45/week£1,170
6 months of drinks and confectionery, at £35 per week£910
15% contribution towards Aspire team management costs£360


520 people

Expected impact

The weekly Women’s Hub will serve as a safe and welcoming space for women to meet new people, find common ground with others and make strong, lasting connections with other women who may have similar lived experience of the issues they present when attending the hub. Women who may otherwise find accessing traditional support services intimidating will feel confident and comfortable enough to attend these hubs to access support around wellbeing, finances and women’s health - or wider support around employment, housing, homelessness prevention - perhaps hearing of the hub from others in their circles or communities.The impact of our hub sessions will be measured through: demographics, session feedback forms, number of attendees, number of unique individuals, direct feedback, quarterly reports, case studies and a weekly data sheet on the type of support needs accessed, outcomes and referrals to other organisations.

Track record

CASE STUDY: SUHAIL Suhail started his placement with Aspire in December 2019, joining Aspire on Release on Temporary Licence whilst in custody at HMP Spring Hill. With no housing support in place for Suhail when he was due to leave prison during the first lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, Aspire's Through the Gate team supported Suhail to acquire temporary accommodation on his release, to find paid employment and to secure stable housing and benefit entitlements. “Whilst in custody, Aspire helped me to gain work experience with their landscaping and gardening team and I really enjoyed this work. Aspire have gone out of their way to help me, securing longer-term accommodation in Oxford and finding furniture for my room, following my custody release. They have helped me to find a part-time job, so I am now settled and appreciate everything done for me.”

Published by

Aspire Oxfordshire

Registered charity