
Transition to adulthood workshops for Neurodiverse Children and Young People

Funding required£5,000
Delivery timeframe6 months

The Pitch

Problem statement

In the UK today only 16% of autistic people of working age are in full time employment (ONS,2020). There has been little improvement in narowing the unemployment gap and figures have stagnating over the last decade. Sadly, atleast 30% of adults with ADHD are thought to struggle with chronic unemployment and figures of prison inmates with ADHD are thought to amount to atleast one third of the prison population in the UK (ADD.ORG). There are many factors which can contribute to the disability employment gap for both autistic and ADHD individuals. There is a direct correlation with low-educational attainment and the unemployment and criminal justice figures within the UK.


In order to address the disability unemployment gap, it is essential to provide opportunities for children and young people to develop employability skills earlier on. At Sen Talk we will work closely with children and young people (13 -16 years) to firstly understand thier individual barriers and to then support them to develop strategies to overcome these improving both educational and employment outcomes. Our work will include working with young people to develop work experience directly with us, to build their confidence and providing access to support tools like assistive technology to address education inequalities and provide young people with the tools to suceed.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

Our service is placed well within the gap of provision and support for autistic and ADHD children and young people. We continue to strengthen relationships within the community voluntary sector and statutory services to create clear paths for signposting and collaboration to ensure a holistic approach to supporting individuals. We are dedicated to supporting children and Young People with complex challenges where we have developed our expertise. We provide a unique space that celebrate neurodiversity rather than focusing on a deficit model of disability – through our rights-based approach we draw on experiences whether it be peer-to-peer or from leaders with lived experiences.

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Staffing costs£2,100
Assistive technology and software£1,500
IT Equipment (3 new PC's)£1,400


15 people

Expected impact

Children and young people will develop skills to identify barriers to positve outcomes and will be able to apply learned skills to reduce these. Children and young people will engage in positive employment opportunities to build confidence and indendence skills Children and young people will be able to apply skills across a range of setting to improve inequalities and likelihood of poor outcomes in later life.

Track record

Sen Talk has an excellent track record and has worked dilgiently across Wandsworth to provide quality programmes, including the innovative Lego-based therpay that provided professionals and practitioners with the skills set to support children with special educational needs. Since supporting them, they have increased in the number of families they are supporting, successfully recruiting double the number of volunteers they set out to do in their initial application to us and have developed key relationships in the community, with other organisations and services to bridge the gap in provision for children and their families. Overall, we have been impressed with the impact Sen Talk has had providing families with support and opportunities they would not have accessed otherwise. We enthusiastically endorses Sen Talk and the amazong work they do to support Wandsworth families with special education needs. Barbra Murzar, Director Battersea Power Station Foundation (2017)

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Social Enterprise